GREEN FUTURE - Nottingham Film Festival

GREEN FUTURE - Nottingham Film Festival

Showing Saturday 12 October

  • Duration: 120 minutes
  • Director: Various
  • Country: Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, United States
  • Year: 2024
  • Rating: (N/A)

GREEN FUTURE - Nottingham Film Festival

  • Duration: 120 minutes
  • Director: Various
  • Country: Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, United States
  • Year: 2024
  • Rating: (N/A)

Young and old, from all corners of the world, we see and feel the direct consequences of climate change. While some shy away from an issue that seems too big to be dealt with, others face it, collaborate and take action.Join us for a screening of films that look at our world as it manifests today and ask: how do we build a green future?

Feeling the Apocalypse (Dir: Chen Sing Yap) - Canada - 7min
The Planting Of A Seed (Dir: Joseff Morgan) - United Kingdom - 15min
Robbie & Mollie (Dir: KIDS 'N TRICKS) - Germany - 1:10min
Hidden In Plain Sight (Dir: Rachel Levy) - United States - 33:30min
Cycle Path (Dir: Red Wade) - United Kingdom - 3min
THE MAN OF THE TREES (Dir: Andrea Trivero) - Italy - 18:55min
More Stickers (Dir: James Barlow) - United Kingdom - 8:48min