Cornwall's Climate Stories + online Q&A

Cornwall's Climate Stories + online Q&A

Currently Showing

Past Screenings

  • Fri 30 Aug 2024 @ 7:00 PM
  • Duration: 103 minutes
  • Director: Bryony Stokes
  • Country: Cornwall (United Kingdom)
  • Year: 2020-2023
  • Rating: (PG)

Cornwall's Climate Stories + online Q&A

  • Duration: 103 minutes
  • Director: Bryony Stokes
  • Country: Cornwall (United Kingdom)
  • Year: 2020-2023
  • Rating: (PG)

Cornwall’s Climate Stories is a series of documentaries by Cornwall Climate Care highlighting the impacts of climate change already being felt across Cornwall, as well as the fantastic local businesses, researchers and community groups working hard to prepare us for the challenges coming our way. The series, being produced over three years, also showcases some possible visions of a surprisingly different future - with beavers being used to re-engineer Cornish rivers and prevent flooding, hydrogen fuel being made from offshore wind power, cattle slurry turned into eco-diesel and our fields growing new crops like sunflowers and sweet potatoes.

For our discussion after the film, we will be joined online by the producer Claire Wallerstein, a member of the 2018 Sail Against Plastic expedition to Svalbard, studying the impact of plastic pollution, but also experiencing the inescapable evidence of climate change on this fragile region in the remote Arctic.

Power to the People 
With fantastic resources of wind, sun, tides, geothermal heat and critical minerals, Cornwall could drive the whole country’s clean energy revolution. However, the UK’s 100-year-old electricity grid means this potential can’t currently be harnessed – while huge numbers of local people are living in poorly insulated homes they can’t afford to heat. Power to the People explores the exciting opportunities and huge challenges facing us as we wean ourselves off fossil fuels – from a farmer who’s found a novel way to combine food production with solar panels, opportunities to use our historic heritage to power the future, and projects to harness the amazing untapped heat 5km down in the Earth’s crust.
Click here to watch the trailer

Down the Drain
Narrated by the ‘lone kayaker’ Rupert Kirkwood, this film takes us on a journey through Cornwall’s water cycle, and offers tips and solutions for how each of us can help to protect this vital resource that we all depend on. It delves deep into issues around climate change and Cornwall’s fresh water – looking at everything from heavier rain leading to more sewage overflows, flooding and loss of topsoil, to how warmer river water is affecting fish, and the surprising carbon footprint of the water we use every day.
Click here to watch the trailer

Hungry for Change
We import nearly 50% of all our food in the UK, and waste one-third of it - so it is unsurprising that the food we eat and the way we produce it is responsible for a huge part of our carbon emissions. Cornwall Climate Care's Hungry for Change, looks at our reliance on this intensive, hyper-globalised, fossil fuel-driven food system - which is itself becoming more and more vulnerable to climate shocks. The film is presented by forager Josh Quick, who asks whether there are ways of producing more of our food locally and in more imaginative, but less damaging, ways. It takes a fascinating and inspiring look at a whole range of stories, from the gleaners picking ‘waste’ crops in our fields to projects growing food in unusual places and a microbiologist keen to get us all eating low-carbon insects.

Past Screenings

  • Fri 30 Aug 2024 @ 7:00 PM